List of Illegal Traded Plants in the World.

Illegal Traded Plants in the World delineates some of the world’s noxious plants that have proven not only poisonous to other plants but also that they are capable of harming human health. Although they are not absolutely toxic in essence as they have some side beneficial nutrients when carefully used in some areas, doctors and agriculturists regard them as both hazardous and noxious to the ecosystem if indulged.

Following this scientific conclusions, the legal system across all parts of the world consider these plants illegal, largely because its hazards or toxic potentials are higher than its benefits. In order to prevent the biological threats that it poses on the world, the sale and trade of these plants are banned across countries. The practice of its sale is therefore stated illegal.

List of Illegal Traded Plants in the World.

Here are the list of illegal traded plants in the world. Many of these plants are considered noxious because of their dangerous effects on the things of the world. Nonetheless, quite a large number of people consciously or unconsciously use or trade some of these plants across the world.

But the legal definition of a noxious plant or illegal plant product is one that can cause damage to crops and human health whether directly or indirectly. The world legal system also notes that noxious plants may cause direct or indirect damage to livestock, poultry, irrigation, navigation, or natural resources.

Plants with a Not Authorized Pending Pest Risk Analysis (NAPPRA) designation may not be imported into the country, period. You may already know about some of these outlawed plants, but the rest may come as a complete surprise.

Let us therefore check the information below for the list of illegally traded plants in the world:

1. Creeping buttercup

Creeping buttercup is in the Ranunculus family and known for its lovely flowers. However, buttercup is considered by many to be a weed due to its invasive and prolific nature. Buttercup control is particularly difficult in large scale infestations unless you wish to resort to an herbicide.

Creeping buttercup is a weed of concern throughout many regions of the of the world. The pesky plant is toxic to grazing animals and causes blisters on humans. Currently, the creeping buttercup is banned in many part of the  World.

2. Marijuana

Marijuana is the dried leaves and flowers of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant. Stronger forms of the drug include high potency strains  known as sinsemilla (sin-seh-me-yah), hashish (hash for short), and extracts.

Marijuana as one of the illegal traded plants in the world has mind-altering compounds that affect both your brain and body. It can be addictive, and it may be harmful to some people’s health.

The debate for marijuana legalization has become mainstream among many countries of the World. Opponents say marijuana poses a public health and safety risk, and some are morally against legalization. Proponents, however, argue that it is not as dangerous as alcohol and point to evidence that it has therapeutic benefits, such as stress and pain relief.

3. Barberry

The barberry plant is listed among the illegal traded plants in the world because the Japanese barberry occurs and is reported to be invasive throughout the northeastern U.S. from Maine to North Carolina and west to Wisconsin and Missouri. It grows well in full sun to deep shade and forms dense stands in closed canopy forests, open woodlands, wetlands, fields and other areas.

This plant is both poisonous and medicinal. Except for its fruits and seeds, the plant contains berberine, which is poisonous but also known to have therapeutic effects.

The ban on sale and cultivation took effect October 8, 2021. Enforcement of the ban will be phased in over two years to allow time for nurseries to eliminate it from their stock, find non-harmful alternatives, and develop seedless, sterile varieties that pose less threat to the environment and agriculture.

4. Kudzu

Kudzu plant is a Noxious weed in and its control is required by law. Just to be on the safe side, many state law makers  included it in the state’s Exotic Weed Act to help prevent the spread of this plant by man. It is illegal to plant or sell Kudzu plant in many part of the World.

The plant is classified as a noxious weed by the U.S. government and is illegal to grow in many states. Even where legal, kudzu should not be planted due to its capacity and desire to escape cultivation.

5. Forget-me-not

The botanical name for this lovely albeit invasive plant is Myosotis scorpioides, in reference to its scorpion-shaped inflorescence, or cluster of flowers. Currently, forget-me-not is illegal to plant in many part of the World.

6. Sycamore maple

Why is the sycamore maple illegal in at least three states? Because it’s a non-native tree that can overwhelm local ecology. Currently, cultivation of the tree is banned.

7. Duck lettuce

Duck lettuce is a submersed aquatic herbaceous plant that is native to Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific. The plant is entirely submersed except for the flower. Its common name, duck lettuce, comes from the strong resemblance the leaves of O. alismoides bears to lettuce leaves.

Duck lettuce is a federally listed noxious weed. It can be found Louisiana, California, Missouri and Florida. It was reported in waterways along the border between Texas and Louisiana.

Other list includes;

  • Wild sugarcane
  • Yellow iris
  • Garlic mustard
  • Aquarium plants
  • Chinese water spinach
  • Jointed prickly pear
  • Wingleaf passionfruit
  • Devil’s thorn
  • Itchweed

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