Highest Paying Skills or Jobs In Africa.

It is not longer debatable that Africa is fast becoming one of the most respected continents due to its growing economies and skills development. Countries like South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, and  Angola are experiencing a large growth in their economies due to working skills development, industries and growing sectors.

There are lots of ways you can make profit from learning at least one skill in Africa. The fastest growing and highest paying skills or jobs can earn you a six-figure salary in Africa. Several companies will pay a fortune to get your service if you have these certain skills.

The fast growing and highest paying skills or jobs in Africa are Computer programming/ICT, Agriculture, Business (telecommunication, banking, infrastructure, and oil and gas) and Cybersecurity sectors.

Africa has seen a significant improvement in their economy recently. Despite being dubbed as one of the most underdeveloped nations, Africa presents a lot of resources and opportunities that entrepreneurs can tap into.

Prominent businessmen and business experts consider the continent as one of the most attractive investment destination in the world. It’s no wonder why a lot of entrepreneurs are looking forward to learning profitable and high paying skills that will enable them establishing their business in the continent or secure future appointment.

Highest Paying Skills and Jobs In Africa.

If you’re planning to learn or start your career, Africa is a great place to do it. Here are some of the most profitable and highest paying skills or jobs in Africa  you can consider. You should also know that several of these skills are in higher demand in Africa than in other parts of the world:

1. Computer Programming Skills.

Computer programming skills are methods and processes that provide computers with instructions on what actions to perform. Collectively known as “coding,” these instructions are written by computer programmers to solve problems or perform specific tasks.

Programming generally results in a specific set of actions or the creation of a tangible result, whether it is a software application, a web page or even just an image displayed on a computer screen. Computer programmer skills often combine creativity with technical and analytical elements. In many ways, programming represents a perfect merging of art and science.

The rapid spread of the internet across the African continent has been heralded as a key driver of prosperity and a sign of the continent’s ICT coming of age. Today, at least a quarter of the population has internet access, a nearly fifty-fold increase in internet usage since the turn of the millennium.

Africa has one of the largest information and communications technology (ICT) markets in the world. Nigeria and South Africa has shows technological leadership ICT and Tech in the mobile software field, security software as well as electronic banking services.

Computer programming skills is ranked among the highest paying skills or jobs in Africa to learn as a result of numerous opportunities available in job market settings. As a programmers you can work as software developers, and designer.

According to  US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2020 to 2030, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 667,600 new jobs. Demand for these workers will stem from greater emphasis on cloud computing, the collection and storage of big data, and information security.

The median annual wage for computer and information technology occupations was $91,250 in May 2020, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $41,950. This justify that coding jobs are in demand in Africa and World at large and it will continue to be in demand.

2. Agricultural Skills.

It is no argument that Africa is the hub of Agriculture. During the first half of the twentieth century, agriculture was mostly limited to farming, and preparing for a career in agriculture was fairly easy.

People did not think that a formal education was necessary for a farmer. Today, successful people who work in agriculture need a good education in business and in science. Over the years, the number of agricultural investments both in education and skills acquisition in Africa has increased dramatically and agriculture remains a major source of jobs for African people. Agriculture professionals are not just farmers and ranchers.

Careers in in Agriculture has became one of the highest paying skills or jobs in Africa to learn in recent decades and these areas have expanded as the production and processing of animal, food and fibre have become more specialized and technological.

To be an aspiring farmer in Africa, it’s important to work on your skill set for this particular profession. Not only can improving your agricultural skills help you in secure a future job, but it can also help you on the job.

Agricultural skills refer to the expertise, talents or abilities you have that help you perform a  daily duties in the field of agriculture. Key Agricultural skills include problem-solving, interpersonal, farm management and organizational skills. You can use these skills to use in a variety of ways, from communicating with farmhands to tending crops and repairing machinery. Having these skills can help you in the farming profession and help you stand out among other job applicants.

There are many agencies and organization rendering agricultural skills services Africa and the mission of these agencies is to develop and deliver high quality training interventions that will enhance the education capability for all  Africans in their respective countries target market. This will ultimately contribute to the stabilization of the economic growth and general upliftment of the  African countries as a whole.

3. Cybersecurity  Engineer.

Cybersecurity engineers, sometimes called information security engineers, identify threats and vulnerabilities in systems and software, then apply their skills to developing and implementing high-tech solutions to defend against hacking, malware and ransomware, insider threats and all types of cybercrime.

As one of the highest paying skills or jobs in Africa, Cybersecurity engineer job responsibilities includes developing/engineering secure, trusted systems. Performing assessments and penetration testing. Managing security technology and audit/intrusion systems. Developing and fielding secure network solutions to protect against advanced persistent threats.

African countries is fast developing technologically, If this sound like tasks you are capable of, your interest in launching or advancing a career as a cybersecurity engineer in Africa is well worth exploring.

Internet security is crucial to avoid risks for online business owners globally. High-profile breach of data is becoming more and more common. Specializing in the areas of IT security in Africa will get you far as it has become increasingly important to protect data. Companies hiring tech workers want to protect their customer and corporate data.

Cybersecurity engineer is among the profitable and highest paying skills or job in Africa because the demand in the cybersecurity job market is soaring while supply is running critically low. There aren’t enough qualified and skilled cybersecurity professionals to fill the growing need and  this is why among the most profitable field are cybersecurity engineers.

4. Business Skills.

Africa’s potential as a growth market for business remains both underestimated and misunderstood as does the potential for business to play a transformative role in solving the continent’s biggest challenges.

Africa’s fast-growing population and markets present important opportunities for business skills, learning these skills will give you a lead  to achieve greater innovation and investment through business to meet Africa’s unfulfilled demand for goods and services, close the gaps in its infrastructure, create jobs, and decrease poverty. We can see the evidence business skills in the life of the richest businessmen in Africa.

Although, running a business in Africa is a demanding task due to low of capital investment. This is why acquiring business skills is essential. It enable you to seek assistance if you are unsure about your abilities and skills. Developing the necessary skills will provide your business with solid foundations.

Business skills is also among the potential highest paying skills or jobs in Africa, the skills enable you to effectively manage your finances. You will  be able to forecast your cash flow and sales, as well as, monitor your profit and loss.

Having sound financial management skills will help you to run a business profitably and protect  financial investment. It is important to be able to promote  products or services effectively. Providing good customer service and having a marketing strategy will help  to generate sales.

The skills will develop your communication skills, You will be able to communicate and negotiate with company suppliers, potential investors, customers and employees.

The leadership skills you gain will be a key skill. You will  be able to motivate staff in order to get the best out of them and improve productivity.

Starting a business means you will have to manage a range of projects, such as setting up a website, arranging the fit-out of your premises and developing a range of policies and procedures. Knowing how to effectively manage your resources, including time, money and staff will help you to achieve your goals as a business man in Africa.

5. Mining Skills.

Mining Skills in Africa is an expert supplier of competency and proficiency-based training resources and programs targeted at developing the skills of operators, Supervisors and Managers within the mining industry.

The backbone of the mining industry in Africa is the miners. The job is a good fit those who like the idea of a physically-challenging job that provides a vital service. A high school degree or equivalency is typically required for hire. However, just because there are no formal educational requirements doesn’t mean that just anyone can successfully become a miner. All types of miners still need to have specialized skills in mining to stay safe and do their job well.

Much of working as a miner involves operating and maintaining equipment and conducting repairs as needed. Some typical tasks that rely on machinery include laying track and installing casings and other equipment that has been designed to prevent cave-ins. Using specialized equipment, miners also need to calculate where holes will be drilled and cuts will be made. Necessary training is provided, but miners should also have an aptitude for technical work and thinking.

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