Profitability of Groundnut Farm in Nigeria.

Profitability of Groundnut Farm in Nigeria is a business discourse on how profitable the planting and selling of groundnuts have become since the last few years till now. Farmers who own groundnut farm in Nigeria are consistently smiling home even as they cart away higher profits at the end of the day. This however makes groundnut farming a fruitful and reliable struggle which is worth any one’s attention.

Groundnut is largely a nutritious legume crop that is grown mainly for its edible seeds. It is widely grown in the tropics and subtropics, for it is important to both small and large commercial producers. This special crop is endlessly rich in vitamins, folate, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, etc. and has a lot of benefits to man and human health despite the popularly unfounded rumour that it causes pimples to the human face.

Things to do in Planting Groundnuts in Nigeria.

These are the important things to do in planting groundnut in Nigeria:

1. Site Selection

A loamy soil or a good drain sandy soil is highly recommended. The acidity level of the soil has to be high for the groundnut to survive. The weather should be warm with very low annual rainfall. It is highly necessary for the weeds and crop residues to be well removed and discarded before planting commence.

2. Planting

Planting takes place when the soil is moist. It can be done during the rainy season. The farmer can choose either to plant on a flat surface or a ridge. Appropriate spacing should be done. Fertilizers or manures can be applied before and after planting for improved crop development.

3. Harvesting

This is the last and the most important stage of all stages involved in the planting of groundnut in Nigeria. It requires carefulness and knowledge. The series of processes which are involved in the harvesting of groundnut include digging, lifting, stocking, and threshing. Groundnut harvesting is a hard and expensive job. Digging of the soil is carried out to enable the pods to be pulled out.

Due care must be taken to avoid the plant from exceeding full maturity. Because if it does, the pods will fall off the stalk and remain inside the soil. It will therefore be hard to harvest it. The groundnut yield is always reduced in hardened soil.

On the contrary, if the pod is harvested in an early stage, they will all be harvested unripe.

Profitability of Groundnut Farm in Nigeria.

Groundnut farming is one of the best business opportunities which individuals can indulge in the country. The business is very profitable because it is not only used as a food crop, it is also a product with many uses. It can be used to get profits in the different aspects of the opportunities available:

  • Product for Other By-products

Some individuals prefer to cultivate groundnut for the production of other products which can boost their businesses.

The various companies and industries who use groundnut in the productions of other products help increase the profitability of groundnut farm in Nigeria.

  • Large-scale for Exports

Large-scale groundnut farming is very profitable. The current largest producer of groundnut oil in Africa is Nigeria. This therefore makes the groundnut business a reliable one.

  • Small-scale for Local Consumption

The profitability of groundnut farm, focusing especially on the nuts, also relies heavily on the fact that a lot of people buy groundnut for consumption daily.

Many homes eat it with ‘Garri’.

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