Tribes That Dominate Movie Industry in Nigeria.

Tribes That Dominate Movie Industry in Nigeria is an argument that many people from the multiplicity of the Nigerian ethnic backgrounds have over the years longed to confront. Everyone wants to know whether his tribe dominates or not. In this article, you will definitely get to satisfy your curiosity.

The Nigerian Movie Industry.

Movie-making in Nigeria is divided largely along regional, ethnic and religious lines. Thus, there are distinct movie industries – each seeking to portray the concern of the particular section and ethnicity it represents. For instance, the film industry has 3 major sub-/regional groups. These are:

  • The Yoruba-language cinema
  • The Hausa-language cinema, also known informally as Kannywood.
  • The Igbo-language cinema.

However, there is the English-language movie industry which is a melting pot for filmmaking from most of the regional industries. This particular industry is most popular and it is what makes up the Nigerian movie industry as the official language of Nigeria is English.

Tribes That Dominate Movie Industry in Nigeria.

Although what led to the name Nollywood remains vague and unpopular, the English-language movie industry is the major focus of what is now known as Nollywood. Over the years the term Nollywood has also been used to refer to other affiliate film industries, such as the Ghanaian English-language cinema, whose films are usually co-produced with Nigeria and/or distributed by Nigerian companies.

The term has also been used for Nigerian/African diaspora films considered to be affiliated with Nigeria or made specifically to capture the Nigerian audience.

Given that Nigeria is a multi-ethnic state, the question now is which tribe dominates the movie industry in Nigeria?

Tribes That Dominate Movie Industry in Nigeria.

It is no hidden truth that the Nigerian movie industry is filled with many actors and actresses who hail from different ethnic backgrounds and, also that the Yoruba and the Igbo have formed the highest numbers of tribes who occupy the higher echelon in the sector.

However, if we continue to identify the most active tribe by number out of the two major tribes that was said to have the higher chances of being the most noticeable in the industry, the Igbo are no less the most active tribe that dominate the movie industry in Nigeria.

Why are the Igbo Tribe the Most Active in the Movie Industry.

Igbo is one of the major tribes in Nigeria with an appreciable number of people owing their origin historically to the Nri Kingdom, which happens to be the oldest Kingdom in Nigeria.

The Igbos are known to be industrious and very creative. Their culture and heritage dated back to the stone age.

Apart from dominating the movie industry in Nigeria by number, they also dominate it by creativity and style both at home and abroad.

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