How to Study for Multiple choice Examination as a Learner

How to Study for Multiple choice Examination

How to Study for Multiple choice Examination

How to Study for Multiple choice Examination….Multiple-choice examination is that which requires you to choose from alternatives or options, the correct answer to the question. This kind of examination is often referred to as discrete examination because it usually tests one concept at a time.

Let take an empirical  illustrate of  this type of examination using English Language as the subject.

Read the passage below titled “Africa: a well defined continent” and answer the multiple-choice questions that follow.

Africa is a very well-defined continent. There is not just a clean- cut boundary with the neighbouring Europe and Asia, its enormous landmass is comparatively left unsegregated by the fracturing influence of the seas. There’s little doubt that the arrival of foreign influences immensely subdued the spirit of African unity. For centuries, Africans had to get clearance from distant foreign centres before they could relate to their next-door neighbours. Once impossible, now difficult, a legacy of colonialism is communication and transportation between African states.

However, in the face of centuries of entrenched antipathy against continental communication, the emergence of politically independent African states brought with it a slow but steady shift towards a permanent awareness of the importance of communication, and a marked improvement on where it was just 20 years ago.

The convenience of air transport and the practicality of sea transport make them indispensable as the credible modes by which the vast continent not only makes physical contacts with itself, but also maintains indubitable links with the outside world. No sooner had the earliest air service operators in the world established themselves than Africa joined in the new glamour mode of transportation, Unlike sea transport, air operation has very few unconquerable constraints and air transport is Africa’s best-developed and most popular international mode of transport.

Every state and island of Africa has at least one airport or airstrip, and an overwhelming majority of them provide air services of their own and make their landing/take-off facilities available to numerous foreign operators. Within the states, however, the aircraft remains a somewhat exclusive means of I passenger transportation, and has been unable to command the mass custom of both passengers and freight. Air transport, nonetheless, has developed astronomically since its inception in Africa over half a century ago.

  1. By Africa being a well-defined continent, the writer is suggesting that:
  1. Africa can be
  2. Africa is an ill-structured
  3. Africa’s boundaries are clearly D None of the above.
  1. From the passage, we can infer that Africa was once: A large, isolated, infiltrated and
  1. large, unisolated, infiltrated and united
  2. large, unisolated, infiltrated and disunited D large, isolated, infiltrated and united
  1. From the passage, we can infer that colonialism is…

A .antipathetic to communication and transportation.

B. sympathetic to communication and transportation.

C. indifferent to communication and transportation.

D. none of these.

All the questions that follow the passage are multiple-choice questions. Options are given for you to choose one.


How to Study for Multiple-choice Examination

The following are how to study for multiple choice examination:

Look for highlighted words

 In studying for multiple-choice examination, you need to know the major points of what you are to study. In most of our textbooks, the major point or the main technical term or word is italicised or produced in bold print. For example, in the passage under discussion, some words may be made bold, italicised or underlined to show that they are important.

Africa is a well-defined continent. There is just no clear-cut boundary with the neighbouring Europe and Asia, its enormous landmass is comparatively left unsegregated by the fracturing influence of the seas. There is little doubt that the arrival of foreign influences immensely subdued the spirit of African unity.

If you are studying for multiple-choice examination, your attention should be focused on these words that are bold printed, underlined or italicised. In forming notes or revising for such an examination, all these words should be carved out and their importance or meaning shown.

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