Security Agencies in Nigeria and their Contacts Information.

Security Agencies in Nigeria are governmental organization in charge of activities that border on intelligence for the internal security of a nation.

Security Agencies in Nigeria

Security agencies are thought in terms of the domestic versions of foreign intelligence agencies. Security Agencies in Nigeria typically conduct counterintelligence to thwart other countries’ foreign intelligence efforts.

Security Agencies in Nigeria can be best  describe as organizations, establishments, or cooperate bodies that conduct intelligence observation, reports, and general activities for internal security within an organization/territory.

They Agencies provide some vital roles which include maintenance of public safety, provide support for law enforcement, prevention of crime, observation and report among others.

The roles of security agency cannot be overemphasised, as they serve as a vital consideration in your business setting, business or personal protection. Most especially in an era of mass kidnaping, violence, and riots like the one going on in Nigeria in recent times.

Security Agencies in Nigeria.

The roles of Security Agencies in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized, as they serve as a vital consideration in your business setting, business or personal protection. Most especially in an era of mass kidnaping, violence, and riots like the one going on in Nigeria in recent times. They includes:

= Nigeria Police Force.

= Nigeria  Civil Defense Corps

= Nigerian Army

  • Website:
  • Address: 
  • Phone:
  • Email:

= Nigerian Navy

  • Website:
  • Address: 
  • Phone:
  • Email:

= Nigerian Airforce

Other Security Agencies in Nigeria.

  • Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC)
  • Nigeria Prisons Service (NPS)
  • Nigeria Security and Civil Defense Corps (NSCDC)
  • Nigeria Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)
  • Nigeria Immigrations
  • Nigeria Customs
  • Department of Security Services
  • National Intelligence Agency
  • National Drugs Law Enforcement Agency

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