13 Most Hardest Courses to Study in the World

Because we believe that choosing your degree course is one of the most important decisions you will ever make, we’re going to cover the hardest courses to study in the world, its important to have a realistic idea of how challenging the course you’re about to choose or already chosen before you take it.

So, if you know what to expect from your course, you’ll be able to look forward to university with excitement at the challenge ahead. Every course is unique and designed to groom students to be the best versions of themselves in the competitive world.

Amongst all this, there are a few programs that are considered the hardest courses to study in the world in terms of subjects, assignments, duration, and examination.

The hardest courses to study in the world are Aeronautics engineering, Medicine, Architecture,  Law,  Fine Arts, Electrical Engineering,  Engineering,  Philosophy and so on.

Most of the time, it is also true that the hardest courses to study in the world are also the ones that hold the toughest examinations, whether internally or in the form of an entrance test.

These hardest courses are measured by how much time you spend on a single work physically and mentally.

Hardest Courses to Study in the World.

Aeronautics engineering, medicine, engineering and nursing are considered to be the most difficult courses in the world. These courses require students to dedicate upto 10 hours to studying daily along with getting continuous hands-on practice on the topics learnt. Here are the list of the 13 most hardest courses to study in the World:

1. Aeronautics.

Aeronautics engineering degrees are the world most difficult course to study, but they also offer some of the best opportunities at post-university. Aerospace engineers need to be highly technical and accurate, whilst also using creativity and quick thinking to solve problems.

Aerospace engineering is the most demanding and challenging fields to work in. It requires a lot of hard work, intelligence, and creativity.

In Aeronautics engineering expect to study a lot of physics, namely mechanics and thermodynamics.

If you want to be an engineer in the field of aerospace engineering, it is recommended that you keep up with your math skills by taking advanced math classes during high school and college. You should also take courses such as chemistry or other sciences, which are more demanding from a mathematical point of view.

2. Engineering.

Engineering is  ranks the second among one of the hardest courses to study in the world. The degree requires you to have everything from logic and common sense to a tremendous amount of patience when things don’t go your way.

Engineering can be very difficult because you’re essentially becoming a “professional problem solver”.

Engineering students are required to have tactical skills, analytical skills, critical thinking, and problem solving abilities. Engineering continues to be one of the most preferred choices of students after the pursued of Science in basic and high school.

3. Chartered Accountancy.

What makes chartered accountancy one of the hardest courses to study in the world is because of the vast syllabus, in-depth knowledge of every subject, duration, and of course some facepalm moments that every chartered accountancy student has to face while completing this course. But doesn’t matter how long you took to complete this course.

Depending on the degree course you choose, it will take you four to five years to complete your degree at a university. You will then need to do three years internship training  with an accredited accounting firm.

As chartered accountancy is a Professional course and so its a highly demanding career option. But this doesn’t mean the course is too hard for the students who is average.  Even an average student can complete the chartered accountancy course and make a career in chartered accountancy.

4. Medicine.

Being a medical student can be very tasking and challenging. You would spend a lot of time and money to learn and study, but no matter how much time you have spent or would likely spend preparing to become a medical student, you may have to encounter some things you have never anticipated before.

If you can successfully make it through college then you are capable of succeeding in medical school. As much as society places doctors on an intellectual pedestal, many if not most physicians at one point or another also questioned if they were smart enough to become a doctor.

The study of medicine comes with a certain expectation to work harder.  If you got into medical school, you have to be smart, you must get t good grades in your courses,  If you do these things, you can make it through medical school.

5. Pharmacy.

Pharmacy which includes courses such as pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, and pharmacokinetics are no doubt very  hard.

According to the American Associations of Colleges of Pharmacy: it is estimated that more than 10% of people who make it into studying pharmacy  do not make it through to graduation day.

6. Architecture.

Architecture engineering degrees learn how to design and manufacture structures, studying the history and theories of architecture. Courses required for this degree include math, physics, plan measures, architecture theory, history of architecture, metropolitan design, and architectural history.

Doing an architecture degree can be hugely rewarding. But it is also among the most challenging  with long hours, a huge workload and focus on detail  so it’s vital to understand what you’re letting yourself in for.

In Architecture you will literally not sleep for least 2 days in a row to finish 1 single project and sometimes 3 to 4 days just sleeping 5–6 hours. It is different from engineering because engineering is working physically while  architecture work is mentally.

7. Law.

Anyone aspiring to study law would want to know what exactly it’s like to be a law student and how to succeed at law school.

Just to get the scary one out of the way first, it is difficult to explain how much reading a law degree involves other than to say that there are a lot of law books!

Law students get a reputation for clocking up the library hours because each week you need to learn what the law actually is and academics’ opinions of it from scratch, and neither of these will be particularly short.

There is definitely an art to managing the reading lists and you will get all the advice you need from older students when you first arrive, but it does take a while to get used to the pace of learning

8. Psychology.

According to students studying psychology, there is quite a lot of reading that you need to do. Psychology is one of the more difficult degrees and many of your assignments will require you to cite your sources and will require you to back up a lot of the arguments that you have.

Before going to university, prospective students like to know what they’re setting themselves up for with a degree, so they will often look into what a degree is like at university before studying.

9. Statistics.

Statistics is one of the hardest courses to study in the world for students because it is taught out of context.

Most students do not really learn and apply statistics until they start analyzing data in their own researches.

The only way how to learn cooking is to cook. In the same way, the only way to learn statistics is to analyze data on your own.

10. Philosophy.

Philosophy courses are generally  difficult and challenging. You cannot expect to go through an assigned reading once and have an adequate grasp of it. Some students seem to thrive on the painstaking study required, while others simply don’t have the patience for it.

From my experience as a philosopher, philosophy is a difficult subject for a few different reasons. The content of philosophy is intangible.  Of course, one can become better at these things with experience and practice, but from the perspective of someone not familiar with those ways of thinking, philosophy proves challenging.

11. Nursing.

Nursing as  great and rewarding career is a challenging course , and always exciting. But nursing school is notoriously difficult. Most nursing programs require high GPAs and impressive scores in math, chemistry, biology, psychology, and other demanding subjects.

12. Finance.

Finance degrees are an excellent choice for students who want to understand how the world economy functions and what are the secrets behind money, investments, and financial independence. Getting your finance degree isn’t easy it takes time, dedication and hard work. Finance is one the hardest courses in the world.

While minimal math studies are required for all business majors, finance happens to be one of the most quantitative fields.

To learn essential skills such as analyzing and assessing investment performance and financial planning for savings goals, you must acquire a solid foundation in mathematics.

There are multiple undergraduate degrees that fall under the category of finance. Many of these degrees have similar foundational business courses in areas like accounting, business law, management, and economics. Where they differ is in their major courses, which allow for additional specialization within the field of finance.

13. Fine Arts.

Getting an art degree may not be harder than going to law school, but it costs a lot of your time, devotion, money, and stress.

There are a multitude of obstacles, along with the occasional mental breakdowns that go hand in hand with following your passion.

Usually fine art students specialize in one or several media, such as painting, sculpture, photography, film, animation, illustration, printmaking or ceramics. In addition, it’s possible to find entire degree courses specializing in each of the media mentioned above  and many more besides.

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