How Nigeria Celebrate Independence Day as the National Day.

Nigeria celebrate independence day as the National day of Nigeria and it is always celebrated on every October 1st since 1960. The day marks freedom from British international  rule earlier before the day in 1960.

Nigeria Celebrate Independence Day

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and one of the populated country in the world.

As Nigeria independence is celebrated as the national day of Nigeria, the federal government of Nigeria declared annually a public holiday across the 36 states of Nigeria to mark this day.

The period of British rule lasted until 1960, when an independence movement led to the country being granted independence. Nigeria first became a republic in 1963, but succumbed to military rule three years later, after a bloody coup d’état.

Nigeria independence day is also called the National Day and it celebrated with plenty of ceremonial raising of the Nigerian flag green white colors,  military parades, bands, parties, food and gatherings of friends and family alike.

There’s also an official parade, with lots of bands, music, imagery, dancing and a processional changing of the guard. After this, there’s usually a performance of songs and dances to represent the many different ethnic groups that make up Nigeria, ensuring everyone is represented at the parade.

The day usually starts with an address by the President, which officially starts the day of celebrations. After this, there’s a ceremonial raising of the Nigerian flag, and the cutting of an Independence cake which usually displays the flag’s colours or coat of arms.

Which Day is Nigerian Independence Day?

Nigerian Independence Day is a national holiday in Nigeria, and it’s celebrated on October 1st every year. The day is a celebration of Nigeria’s independence from British rule, which was established on October 1st 1960.

Nigeria’s independence was established under Governor General Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe, who later became the country’s first president.

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