How do i study for good CGPA in my University level

How do i study for good CGPA in my University

How do i study for good CGPA in my University

How do i study for good CGPA in my University ……“How do I study?” “I study but cannot make it.” “I find reading difficult.” “To hell with study!” These are some of the statements made by students like you. But studying can be a very interesting and rewarding exercise, if done well. In this unit you are introduced to this very important topic: How to study. Surely, you will benefit a lot from the unit. Study it very well.

Be in the Right Frame of Mind

 Before you study, you should be in the right frame of mind. You should be calm. Nothing should be worrying you. Psychologically, you should not be under tension, you must be emotionally stable, free from shock of any kind and be highly motivated to study. Socially, you should clear all the social problems of the home, children (if any) or parental care that may stand against proper concentration. Studying demands concentration and you must give this.


The list below contains things that may prevent you from adequate concentration during study

  • Dictionaries……….
  • Good diet…………………
  • Children’s problems………
  • House bills……………….
  • Noisy environment………
  • Pen and pencil……………
  • Family problems…………
  • Headache…………………
  • University environment….


What i’m  trying to establish here is that nothing antagonistic should bother us or prevent us from getting ready to study. We must be in the right frame of mind when we want to study.

Let consider some factor that can affect efficiency in studies

Have the Right Environment

 The environment where study takes place must be conducive. It must be clean, well organised, pleasant and noiseless. And definitely not store house where there are no windows and there is a funny door, table full of junk, bare floor with no tables or chairs, bar/drinking house, video showroom, etc. What we are trying to emphasise here is that the environment for study purposes must be conducive.


Have the Right Equipment

 You need certain pieces of equipment for study. Without the right equipment, study will be difficult. The right equipment will make study more appropriate and effective.

List at least ten tools you need when studying………

Can you list up to ten? Let’s try to list these. Compare your list with the following:


  1. Pen
  2. Pencil
  3. Paper/note book/file jacket
  4. Dictionary
  5. Relevant textbooks
  6. Tape recorder/cassette
  7. Ruler
  8. Calculator
  9. Computer equipment (if you can afford one)
  10. Table and desk
  11. Bookshelf

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