Top 20 Richest State in Nigeria that have the Most Wealth.

We’ve picked the top richest state that have the most wealth that are not necessarily vested on the Federal Government allocation in Nigeria.

Poverty and inequality in Nigeria are not due to a lack of resources, but to the ill-use, misallocation and misappropriation of such resources. At the root is a culture of corruption combined with a political elite out of touch with the daily struggles of average Nigerians.

The research on the top 20 richest state in Nigeria has it that Lagos is the most richest state in Nigeria with a GDP of $33.5. The GDP is the highest in the Nigeria. In fact, the GDP of Lagos is higher than that of 42 African countries when put together.

In fact, Lagos doesn’t depend on the allocation from the Federal Government for its survival as its internally generated revenue is enough to smoothly run the state.

Below are the  highlighted top 20 richest states based on their GDP and internally generated revenues in Nigeria.

Top 20 Richest State in Nigeria. 

    1. Lagos State – $33.5 billion
    2. Rivers State – $19 billion
    3. Delta State – $16 billion
    4. Oyo State – $15 billion
    5. Imo State – $14.1 billion
    6. Kano State – $12.4 billion
    7. Edo State – $11.8 billion
    8. Akwa Ibom State – $11.1 millio
    9. Ogun State – $10.4 billion
    10. Kaduna State – $9.3 billion
    11. Cross River – $9.2 billion
    12. Abia – $8.68 billion
    13. Ondo – $8.41 billion
    14. Osun – $7.28 billion
    15. Benue – $6.86 billion
    16. Anambra – $6.76 billion
    17. Katsina – $6 billion
    18. Niger – $6 billion
    19. Borno – $5.18 million
    20. Plateau – $5.15 billion

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