20 Best Tricks To Pass JAMB Examination In First Sitting

Wikipedia record that over 2.1 million candidates registered for the last year JAMB examination.

Following this record there’s high percentage possibility that the 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027 etc. would even have more candidates registering for JAMB. This is because every year from inception, the number of JAMB candidates continues to increase.

First thing you must take into consideration if you’re to write JAMB exam is make sure that you meet all the requirements to register for JAMB in every year and you should complete your registration for the examination. 

The next thing is to think about how to get ready for your  JAMB exam.

Getting ready and knowing what to do in preparation for your JAMB exam is  the most important step to take if you  want your result to be excellent than you think. 

The more candidates register for JAMB, the slimmer chances of candidates to pass the examination. But for serious students, this is an opportunity to put in the needed effort, prepare adequately and come out in flying colours in their JAMB.

If you  love to study any course of your choice in Nigerian Universities.  These our list 20 best tricks to pass JAMB examination in first sitting  will  enable to score anything above 200 in JAMB and pass excellently well in the exam set by different universities, then you would be able to gain admission into some of these best universities in Nigeria.

Best Tricks To Pass JAMB Examination

JAMB exam  is very competitive and lots of brilliant students would be sitting for the exams. So, how can you pass your JAM exam excellently still?

Below are 20 best tricks to pass JAMB examination. These tricks  will help any student in Nigeria score above, 2oo, 300 in JAMB and come out in flying colors:

1. Plan or Set a Score Target

The first among tricks to pass JAMB examination in first sitting or  score a high mark in JAMB every year to  plan or set a score target for yourself. Write down the score you want to have. It could be 250, 300 and 350, or more, depending on you and your determination.

The reason this is important is that you cannot meet a goal that you did not set. I will advise that you have a goal in your mind and a score you want to have so you can work towards it.

So, get a pen and paper right now and put down the score you want to have in your JAMB exams. Don’t take this action for granted. Write down your desired score now.

2. Study JAMB Syllabus

Study JAMB Syllabus is among the interesting tricks to pass JAMB examination in first sitting. Every exam comes with a syllabus otherwise known as an area of concentration (A.O.C). There is an AOC for WASSCE, JAMB, and even when you gain admission to the University, your lecturers might give you AOCs.

Now, the first step to passing your JAMB examination is by getting your hands on the Jamb Syllabus.

It serves as a guide when reading your textbooks or solving past questions.

Trying to read without a syllabus is like a blind man trying to walk through an unfamiliar road without a guide or stick.

JAMB gives out syllabus because they understand that students cannot possibly read everything in their educational textbooks because it’s voluminous and could easily overwhelm students.

And so, they have made things easier by selecting topics they are likely to get questions to set for the exams. You can never go wrong using the syllabus when preparing for the examinations.

It guides you to read whatever subjects you must have registered for the exams.

3. Do Early Preparation

This Jamb trick is important. There is no single secret of passing JAMB than one thing – early preparation. If you do not prepare on time, there is no magic that will stop failure.

11th-hour preparation is not what talking about here. I mean starting to read as early as many months before sitting for your JAMB examination.

Even if you are a genius, you still can’t underrate preparation. So, if you haven’t been preparing before now, you know what to do.

4. Study JAMB Recommended Texts

There are different textbooks from different authors that you could read for different subjects in preparation for your JAMB exams but there are some texts that will be more useful. Those are the JAMB recommended textbooks.

Why is this, you may ask. The answer is not far-fetched. JAMB is the organizer of the examination so they are in a better position to recommend texts based on their standard.

So, if you want to pass your coming JAMB exams in one sitting, try studying recommended JAMB textbooks.

Another thing you can do is to ask from other sources like people who have written JAMB in the past.

Get different opinions about the best textbooks to study for your JAMB for different subjects. Based on the responses you get, make a list of the best textbooks to study for your exams and study them.

5. Read JAMB Past Questions

During my school days JAMB past questions was my best friend and it put me on the right direction. JAMB over time has a reservoir of decades of past questions. they don’t need to sit down to set new questions for most of the subjects.

A smart student would take advantage of this fact to study past JAMB questions in preparation for their JAMB exams.

JAMB past questions are easily available for you to get them. You may study a few recent past questions and see the pattern of questions to prepare you for what to expect.

Do not cram past questions and answers. Sometimes, JAMB tweaks these questions a little bit and if you have creamed the answers, you may be shooting yourself in the leg.

When studying past questions, you are able to detect your strengths and weaknesses, focus on the right things to pay attention to, and get you generally ready for what to face in your examination hall on D-day.

6. Download  JAMB CBT Software

The tool is the JAMB CBT practice software. This software helps you learn important techniques that allow you to make good use of your study time.

The JAMB Computer Testing & Preparatory Software is designed to help candidates prepare for and familiarize themselves with the coming JAMB examination.

The JAMB CBT software is available on the Google play store and you can download it for free and start using it to prepare now. You can also use the software on both your computer and mobile phone.

7. Read and Understand

It’s one thing to take time to study, it’s another thing to understand what you’re reading. Many students are found wanting in this area. They read but don’t understand.

If you want to pass any exams well enough, you need to have a good understanding of what you read so as to be able to deliver in the exam hall.

If you want to score 300 in JAMB, you need to follow the following technique of reading and understanding: Avoid distractions

Engage with the material i.e. Look up unfamiliar words, concepts, dates, and further information about important ideas in the book or reading material.

  • Create mental images
  • Take notes
  • Take breaks in between
  • Summarize and reflect

8. Read The Novel

Make sure you get the recommended novel when you register for the exams. Now, the mistake most students make is that they think the novel is for art students and that’s wrong. The Use of English takes about 15-35 questions from the novel.

Ensure that you read the novel from the beginning to the end noting the names of the characters and the role they played. It doesn’t matter if you are a science or art student, you will all write Use of English and answer the questions from the novel.

Read Also: 7 Ways To Stop Cramming for Exam When You’re Reading.

9. Learn how to use Computer

JAMB hasn’t looked back since the inception of the Computer-Based Test (CBT). They have always conducted exams using the CBT method, and so, if you hope that they might scrap it out, you had better stop and concentrate your efforts on learning how to use a computer.

How do you learn to use a computer? If you don’t have a personal computer at home, you may need to take frequent trips to the Cyber café to learn how to use one. Although this is an old-school method, it accommodates those that might not have Smartphones to make learning to use a computer easier.

If you have a smartphone, you can watch YouTube videos and read articles online on how to operate a computer. You need to learn how to switch on the computer, log in your details, navigate the mouse to control the cursor on the screen to click on the right questions, and so on.

Another important thing is to make sure you attend the mock exam JAMB will organise to help you get acquainted with using the computer to write the exams if you are a novice.

Don’t fear learning how to use the computer as it is one of the easiest things on earth to do.

10. Study with friends or other candidates

When it comes to scoring a high mark in JAMB, two are better than one. If you have a friend that is equally taking the exams, why not practice some tests together.

You may bounce ideas off each other, time each other as you practice to see if you are able to meet up with time. You can also point out each other’s mistakes.

There may be a particular topic a friend of yours is very good at but you are not too good at, say for example Mathematics or Literature. Let them put you through and vice versa.

If you have other people around you who would be writing JAMB in 2021, it’s advisable that you study together.  This does not stop you from your personal study alone time which is equally very important if you want to pass your exams.

11. Practice Focused Studying

Focused studying means cutting out all unnecessarily distractions(social media notifications, podcasts, distracting music, etc) and immersing your self in active study.

It encompasses active reading and other important things such as understanding, taking detailed notes, memorising facts, making flashcards and doing everything to keep what you have read in your memory.

When reading through your textbooks, ensure you have an exercise book by the side to help in summarizing what you have read in your own words.

12. Learn Time Control

Another important thing to take note of if you want to pass your JAMB exam once and excellently is to learn how to manage time.

JAMB will give you 2hrs 45 mins to answer 250 questions. If you do not prepare with timing in mind, you may not be able to answer half of the questions before the time is up.

This is very important for you to take note of. Start practicing and timing yourself as you practice.

Take one of the past questions and try to answer the questions under 2hrs and 45 mins. Once your time is up, see how many questions you are able to answer.

If you were able to answer all your questions under the allotted time, then you have a good hang on your timing already, but keep improving.

If you could not complete all the questions in 2hrs 45 mins, then, you need to keep repeating this practice while increasing your pace as you do so.

Remember the popular saying, practice makes perfect? Yes, keep practicing and you’ll get much better if not perfect.

13. Identify Your Strengths

Identifying  Your Strengths is very important. Most students have those subjects they prefer than others although some are lucky to understand all their subjects.

If you have subjects you prefer, then study them first. Concentrating on your strength helps you score higher in those subjects which will cover up for your weak areas.

14. Seek Help For Your Weakness

If you have a subject that is your weakness, don’t ignore it because it’s still a 100 mark. Try your best to understand it by studying more and asking people knowledgeable about the subject to help.

Ensure you listen with rapt attention while they are teaching and practice what they have taught you alone.

15. Put In More Hours

Have you been reading for three hours for your JAMB exams? Put in an extra two hours but remember to take breaks so you come back refreshed. You do not have to burn the midnight candle unless you are a night owl, but ensure you are creating out adequate time to study.

You should set a target completing the syllabus before the examination day. But don’t be in a hurry when studying or you won’t be able to keep anything in your memory.

The key here is to read early so you can cover your syllabus. Avoid waiting until the exams are a week or two away.

16. Enroll in JAMB Coaching

I’m sure there are some good and credible JAMB coaching centres around you, find the very best ones and enroll to get professional coaching as you prepare to write your examination.

Some of the teachers in those centers have been coaching students for many years and trust me, they have an experience that to put you through. Some even know the marking pattern for JAMB and other valuable information that you don’t have.

So, if you can, try and enroll in a lesson to learn new things for a few hours of the day.

Enrolling in a JAMB coaching centre should not stop you from your own personal preparation, however.

17. Stay Updated on JAMB Information

Am sure by now the official website of JAMB. If not, Google is your friend…Google it. Also, follow JAMB’s social media account and important JAMB official accounts to get up-to-date verified news.

There is so much fake and misleading news on social media so, be guided so you don’t fall victim. Get your information from the source and make sure you always do your checks.

18. Avoid Exam Fear

One thing that precedes failure is fear. Once you can overcome certain fears in your life, victory is always close.

You have no reason to get scared of writing JAMB as long as you prepare properly and take the points listed above seriously.

Believe and have confidence in yourself and capabilities. Don’t get carried away by rumours you might have heard.

19. Eat, Rest Properly

Some students make the mistake of starving themselves of food and sleep because they want to read more. But doing this will only result in confusion, weakness, and difficulty in assimilation.

Make sure you are eating a well- balanced diet with brain foods such as nuts, egg, fish, fruits, and vegetables. Sleep well so you can wake up with high energy levels to continue reading but this time, with a clearer brain.

Read Also: 42 Best Ways to Improve Your Grades and be a Successful Student.

20. Avoid Exam Malpractices

Don’t involve in examination malpractices. Some of your friends who also want to write JAMB might depend on cheating and malpractice so, they may not really be reading. It possible some might even want to sell that idea to you but don’t fall for it.

Fine, the exam is computer-based and it’s not as easy as it used to be to cheat but there are still some tricks people use to play smart over the examiners.

If you cheat in your examination, what do you think will happen if you get caught? You will definitely lose your exam altogether among other consequences.

Even if you do not get caught, you don’t want to lay the foundation of your higher education on falsehood and deceit. And one thing is for sure, there will always be consequences for such grave offense no matter what anyone tells you.

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