Apply For Sterling Bank Talent Recruitment Programme 2021.

Sterling Bank Talent Recruitment is the Sterling Bank Plc Code To Bank 2.0 Talent Recruitment Programme 2021 for Young Nigerians.

Code to bank is a Tech focused talent attraction initiative aimed at harnessing the value of the vast Tech talents in Nigeria and possibly globally.


  • The Don Tracker; Blockchain Engineer
  • Ruler of the Fleet; Technical Writer
  • The Knight’s watch; Back End Engineer
  • The Bannerman; Front end Engineer
  • The Queensguard; DevOps
  • The Army of the South; UI/UX Engineer
  • The Multi-faced Assassin; Mobile Devs
  • Mistress of the Citadel; Product Manager
  • The First Son; Product Designer
  • The Silver Company; Content Analyst


  • Warrior (1 – 2 years of proven experience/ equivalent skillset
  • Knight (3 – 4 years of proven experience/ equivalent skillset)
  • Lord Commander (5 – 8 years of proven experience/ equivalent skillset)

Eligible Countries: Nigeria

To be Taken at (Country): Lagos, Nigeria

Number of Awards: Not specified

Value of Award: Paid

Duration of Award: Full-time

How to Apply: 

Apply in Link below

  • It is important to go through all application requirements in the Award Webpage (see Link below) before applying.

Application Deadline: 

May 14th 2021

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