Assessing the DLC E-Library and Continuous Assessments (CA) Platform

Assessing the DLC E-Library and Continuous Assessments (CA) Platform

Assessing the DLC E-Library and Continuous Assessments (CA) Platform

Assessing the DLC E-Library and Continuous Assessments CA Platform………Welcome to  School Drillers, Your friendly website. The information you are about to read shortly is  UI DLC students guide.

Continuous Assessments (CAs) shall be administered through the student’s continuous assessment portal. This is done in order not to put any student at a disadvantage. Continuous assessments are not expected to be deployed during the face-to-face interactive session for any reason. Students are encouraged to check their CA portal page to download their CA and submit appropriately.

Use of the University Library

All readers must be registered before they can make use of the Library. Registration is valid for each academic year only and must be renewed thereafter. Every registered reader is issued with reader’s Tickets, which he/she is required to bring along whenever he/she comes to use the Library. Each registered DLC student is required to generate a library authorisation letter from the students’ portal to facilitate their registration at the Kenneth Dike library.

Assessing the DLC E-Library and Continuous Assessments CA Platform.

Assessing the DLC E-Library Platform

To access the E-Library, please use the information below:

  1. Student to log on to alternatively use the direct link
  2. Click on the e-Library icon thereafter click on this link (
  3. Enter your matriculation number as username and matriculation number as password and you will be redirected to a page where you will see the instruction on the special username and password to access the e-library resources.

Computer Literacy and Computer Proficiency Test Increasingly, the advent of technology is having a place of pride in the field of education more especially in ODL. Computer literacy is a fundamental for all DLC students because it tools students for the challenges they will face in taking advantage of distance learning education through the use of latest technological devices. Computer proficiency certification is a prerequisite for graduation and it is extremely important for candidates to be computer literate; otherwise they will be unable to make significant progress.

In light of the challenges associated with technology, we have realized that a large number of DLC students are technologically deficient, with some paying huge sum of money to have simple processes done for them online and sometimes run into problems. It is therefore compulsory for all DLC students to be computer literate.

Computer Literacy Programme: DLC provides an ideal prospect for computer training for DLC, non-DLC and prospective students at an affordable fee of N5,000 in our Ibadan Office and Lagos Office. Students with ideal knowledge of computer and acclaimed literate with basic skills can get themselves acquainted to the curriculum by downloading the DLC Computer manual, which is available online at Students can also download the manual via their DLC dedicated email addresses.

Our primary goal and objective is that graduates of DLC should be technologically driven with impacted computer skills.

For enquiries, please send an email to

Note: Student are allowed to take computer training conveniently at designated centres of their choice but MUST be examined under the DLC proficiency platform.


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