UI DLC: The number of GES courses you need to register for?

UI DLC: The number of GES courses you need to register for?,

UI DLC: The number of GES courses you need to register for?,

UI DLC: The number of GES courses you need to register for?,,,,,,,,Students that were admitted in 2013/2014 session and later MUST register at least six (6) GES courses before completing the programme.

For this category GES 101, GES 107, GES 201 and GES 301 are compulsory while the three (3) other GES courses would be chosen among GES 102, GES 103, GES 108, GES 104 and GES 106) in line with departmental requirements.

These are the course codes and titles of all GES courses available for students admitted for academic session.


CodeTitleStatus Faculty
GES 101Use of English ICAll
GES 102African Cultures and CivilisationCAgriculture & Forestry,
Education and Science
GES 103Government, Society and the EconomyCAgriculture & Forestry,
GES 108FrenchEducation and Art, 
GES 104Science, Industry and MankindCArts, Education & The
Social Sciences
GES 105Agriculture, Renewable NaturalCArts, Education & The
Resources, Animal Husbandry andSocial Sciences
GES 106Philosophy and LogicCAgriculture & Forestry,
Education and Science
GES 107Reproductive Health, STIs and HIVCAll
GES 201Use of English IICAll
GES 301Introduction to Entrepreneurial SkillsCAll

Detailed information is available on http://dlc.ui.edu.ng

UI DLC: The number of GES courses you need to register for?

How registrater for GES Courses

In keeping with the ODL best practice, registration for GES courses shall be done online. In the event of any difficulties in registration, student can send an email to ssu@dlc.ui.edu.ng

Online GES Registration Process for Students on the New Degree Portal (http://newportal.dlc.ui.edu.ng)

GES registration is already available on the new degree portal

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