Sunday Igboho Magical Powers, Net Worth and Biography.

Chief Sunday Adeniyi Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho (born October 10, 1972), is a Nigerian human right activist, politician and business man. He is the chairman of Adeson International Business Concept Ltd and the Akoni Oodua of Yoruba.

He gained social media tractions in January 2021 when he gave a week ultimatum to Fulani herdsmen in Ibarapa to vacate the land after the killing of Dr. Aborode.

The name of Sunday Igboho is widely known in the city of Ibadan. He is a politician and a businessman, whose attention is devoted to human problems and protection of their rights.

He is more popular for fighting for the helpless and hates an act of cheating. Sunday’s career started from being a mechanic and a motorcycle repairer.

But God had other plans for him. He guided Sunday into business and helped him meet the right people of great importance to do it well. Igboho commands gun from the air, an act he refers to as God’s gift.

He was a frontline fighter at the Ife-Modakeke war. He gained social media tractions in January 2021 when he gave a week ultimatum to Fulani herdsmen in Ibarapa to vacate the land after the killing of Dr. Aborode.

Sunday Igboho Magical Power

Sunday Igboho said he inherited his magical powers to command guns from his father —Sunday Igboho From Osun to Oyo states and some other places in the South West, the name, Sunday Igboho, rings a bell.

Either as a result of several tales and myths about the 45-year-old man who reportedly commands guns into appearance and is feared for what many see as a lifestyle of brigandage or an encounter with him in real life or through a recent eponymous Yoruba home video, a meeting with Chief Sunday Adeyemo alias Sunday Igboho, is certain to arouse curiosity.

Sunday Igboho Biography

Igboho was born in Igboho, Oke ogun in Oyo state but his father relocated to Modakeke in Osun state and that’s where he grew up. He started off as a motorcycle repairer and then venutured into automobiles where he sells cars and was able to start Adeson business Concept.

He became famous after the part he played in the Modakeke/Ife war between 1997 and 1998, where he was a defendant of Modakeke people.

And thereafter relocated to Ibadan where he met former Oyo state Governor, Lam Adesina through a courageous step while trying to defend the rights of the people at a fuel station. He also went on to work with former Governor, Rasheed Ladoja and became one of his most trusted aide.

As the Akoni Oodua of Yoruba land, he is known for fighting for the right of the Yorubas where he possesses metaphysical powers and advocating for the Oduduwa republic.

Who Is Sunday Igboho

In the ancient City of Ibadan everyone knows the name Sunday Igboho. He is a politician and a grassroots mobiliser. He has a reputation for defending people against injustice.

“Why did Sunday Igboho Choose the Nickname “Igboho”?

During one of his interviews, he told a story about its origin. He said that people in Yoruba Land tend to give other inhabitants the “names” due to the place they live in.

His father was called “Baba Igboho” because he comes from Igboho. As a result, Sunday got the name “Sunday Omo Baba Igboho”.

Sunday Igboho Lifestyle/Worth

Here are few things to know about him:

1. Chief Sunday Adeniyi Adeyemo, popularly known as Sunday Igboho was born October 10, 1972. He is a right activist and a politician.

2. He is the chairman of Adeson International Business Concept Ltd and popularly referred to as the Akoni Oodua of Yoruba.

3. He started off as a motorcycle repairer and then ventured into automobiles where he sells cars and was able to start Adeson business Concept.

4. He is married to two wives and has children, including three professional footballers in Germany.

5. He once worked with former Oyo Governor Rasheed Ladoja and became one of his most trusted aides. He became famous as a strong defendant of the Modakeke people in the Modakeke/Ife war between 1997 and 1998.

6. He gained social media tractions in January 2021 when he gave a week ultimatum to herdsmen in Ibarapa to vacate the land after the killing of Dr. Aborode.

7. He is believed to possess metaphysical powers and is a strong advocate for the Oduduwa republic.

Sunday Igboho Net worth 

Net Worth: Sunday Igboho net worth  is about $7 million US Dollars. Sunday Igboho net worth 2021 net worth is expected to rise to $10.

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