Ghanaian Doctors and their Salary in Public and Private Hospitals

Ghanaian Doctors and Their Salary vary in the country. The reason for such discrepancy is convincingly given by the management policies of both public and private sectors of the that society.

Ghanaian Doctors and Their Salary in Public and Private Hospitals (Latest)

Indeed, it is an open secret that among the four categories of hospitals in Ghana, namely public, quasi-government, faith-based/mission and private hospitals, the public hospitals are the least efficient in terms of earnings/salaries.

The motives for this are not far-fetched as the private counterpart are a bit better than them in that regard.

Motives for Lapses in the Medical Department of Ghana

The motives for such lapse are:

1. The hire and fire decisions regarding human resource for healthcare delivery that are centralised in the Ghana’s public health sector. The authority to hire and fire permanent staff solely rests with regional and central levels of the Ghana Health Service, specifically.

2. Undue political and societal interference makes matters worse for managers of public hospitals as far as the foregoing motive is concerned. This has allowed for the financial ridicule that public doctors in Ghana are constantly facing.

However, this also has led for the massive and regular industrial actions which at the negative end gravely affects the citizenry.

The Private Health Sector in Ghana

This is not the case for the private hospital managers, whose stay as managers depends, to a large extent, on the profitability of such hospitals.

Informed by that character of purpose, doctors are more financially rewarded on account of their professional services to clients in private hospitals. In the long run, private ghanaian doctors end up getting more pay than their counterparts in the public sector.

Ghanaian Doctors and Their Salary in Public Hospital (Latest)

The salary range for doctors working in Ghana’s Public Health Sector is typically from:

  • 893.00 GHC (minimum salary) to 2,806.00 GHC (maximum salary) per month. (Fresh Doctors)
  • 1,596 GHC (minimum salary) to 5,158 GHC (maximum salary) per month. (Senior Doctors)

The above is the total monthly salary including bonuses.

Ghanaian Doctors and Their Salary in Private Hospital (Latest)

The salary range for doctors working in Ghana’s Private Health Sector is typically from:

  • 11,900 GHC per month
  • 4,370 GHC (lowest average) to 20,100 GHC (highest average)

This is the average monthly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.

Since doctors are the sole guardians of any nation’s health and wealth, it is pertinent upon the Ghanaian government to painstakingly overhaul the public health sector of the country as this will not only improve the doctors’ standard of living in terms of finances, but will also positively affect the life of average Ghanaian on the street.

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