5 Best Apps that Allow You to Delegate Specific Tasks

In the race to identify at least 5 best apps that allow you to delegate specific tasks, we have written a full-content submission that will help you garner the answer to your questions. Having a kind of command of what these apps can do in terms of task delegation is a form of solution to many of man’s many struggles and tight schedules.

By delegating the responsibility of non-essential and repetitive tasks to the members of your team, you can focus on the important part and train future managers at the same time.

A very good example are the project managers who generally have a lot of things on their schedule table. They negotiate with clients, ensure timely delivery of the products, and try their best to achieve success without any issues. In these circumstances, project managers need to prioritize tasks and focus on the most important tasks and reduce their burden by delegating tasks effectively.

Apps That Help You With Task Delegation

Below are some of the apps that allow you to delegate your task most especially you have so much to focus. So in order to avoid distractions and the pressure of too much work, here are some of the apps that can come through for you:

  • Notion

Notion is much more than a task delegator—it’s a relational database that looks like a spreadsheet but acts like a database. With Notion, you can assign tasks to team members within a highly customizable grid, where each row is a task and columns hold all the necessary details.

Why is it a winner for delegation? It’s the ultimate tool for those who think visually and want detailed tracking options. Its ability to link related content, enabling you to see the bigger picture of your projects at a glance is the strength of the Notion. To unlock Notion’s full potential, spend some time customizing your views and tables to perfectly match your project’s unique needs.

  • Basecamp

Basecamp is not just another app on our list; it’s the engine that drives our own operations at LifeHack. With a team that is as distributed as ours, working in different time zones, Basecamp is a necessity for us. It functions as a central hub where tasks are assigned, discussed, tracked, and marked as completed.

For delegating tasks, its to-do lists are a godsend. Assign a task, set a due date, attach files, and add details in one centralized space. Clarity is one of this app’s strengths.. Everyone knows what they should be working on and when it’s due. For the best results, I recommend setting up dedicated project spaces for each initiative, so team members have a clear and focused area where they can collaborate and track progress.

  • Todoist

Todoist brings simplicity back into focus. It’s designed around lists, and it’s fantastic at that. You can delegate tasks by simply sharing your project with a team member and assigning tasks to them. Todoist helps by sending reminders, due dates, and priority flags to keep everyone on track.

The perk of Todoist is its portability; it’s designed to work seamlessly across all your devices. For best use, make daily check-ins a habit, and explore its natural language processing feature for quick and easy task input.

  • Trello

Trello takes a more visual approach, leveraging a board and card system that is both simple and powerful. It’s like having a digital whiteboard where tasks move from one column (say, ‘To Do’) to the next (‘In Progress’, and then ‘Completed’).

This dynamic flow makes delegating tasks as simple as dragging a card to a team member’s column. Flexibility. Trello’s system is adaptable, fitting projects of any size and nature. To get the most out of Trello, explore its array of ‘Power-Ups’—add-ons that bring extra functionality like calendar syncing, automation, and integrations with other tools.

  • Asana

Asana excels at breaking down projects into tasks and subtasks, allowing you to assign these to individual team members with due dates and priority levels. Delegating becomes a visually intuitive process. Asana turns your projects into a series of actionable steps, each with a clear owner.

The standout feature of Asana? Its timeline view, which offers a visual, interactive chart of your team’s work, highlighting who is doing what by when. To use Asana to its full potential, regularly update task progress and use its integration features to connect it with your other essential work tools.

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