26 Country Code: List of Countries That Use Code 26

The 26 country code is no longer a secret as we will be sharing the long list of countries that use the code for its telephone connections from anywhere in the world. Countries across the globe have their own national and area numeric identities.

These telephoning digits are like prefixes that are added to the main contact digits practically to enable connections between persons that are marked by any distance whatsoever.

The 26 code belongs to a particular zone which is known as the zone 2. Zone 2 uses two 2-digit codes (20, 27) and eight sets of 3-digit codes (21x–26x, 28x, 29x), mostly to serve some African countries within that continent, and other countries like Aruba, Faroe Islands, Greenland and British Indian Ocean Territory.

Although as identified before, many of the countries that use the 26 code also add a certain digit to it. This means it comes with varieties. So the list of countries with the country code, 26, is here by placed as:

  • 260 – Zambia

Zambia, in southern Africa, is a landlocked country of rugged terrain and diverse wildlife, with many parks and safari areas. On its border with Zimbabwe is famed Victoria Falls – indigenously called Mosi-oa-Tunya, or “Smoke That Thunders” – plunging a misty 108m into narrow Batoka Gorge.

Zambia is famous for pioneering the walking safari. Some say Zambia is the best kept secret in Africa, an undiscovered mecca for a variety of safari and game viewing activities. It is a raw slice of Africa friendly and with many unspoilt wild places worthy of any pioneer!

  • 261 Madagascar

Madagascar, officially the Republic of Madagascar, is an island country comprising the island of Madagascar and numerous smaller peripheral islands. Lying off the southeastern coast of Africa, it is the world’s fourth largest island, the second-largest island country and the 44th largest country in the world.

Madagascar still holds one of the highest poverty rates in the world at about 75%, growth is sluggish, and inflation stands at about 10%. To be fair, the country has also faced an unprecedented series of challenges. About 300 miles east of southern Africa, across the Mozambique Channel, lies the island of Madagascar. Best known for its lemurs (primitive relatives of monkeys, apes, and humans), colorful chameleons, stunning orchids, and towering baobab trees, Madagascar is home to some of the world’s most unique flora and fauna.

  • 262  Réunion

Réunion Island, a French department in the Indian Ocean, is known for its volcanic, rainforested interior, coral reefs and beaches. Its most iconic landmark is Piton de la Fournaise, a climbable active volcano standing 2,632m (8,635 ft.).

Réunion is an Overseas department and region of France (known in French as a Département et Région d’Outre-Mer, DROM) governed by Article 73 of the Constitution of France, under which the laws and regulations are applicable as of right, as in metropolitan France.

Reunion Island is one of the French departments with the highest poverty rate with 42% of the population living below the poverty line. The total GDP of the island was US$18.8 billion in 2007.

  • 263 – Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in southern Africa known for its dramatic landscape and diverse wildlife, much of it within parks, reserves and safari areas. On the Zambezi River, Victoria Falls make a thundering 108m drop into narrow Batoka Gorge, where there’s white-water rafting and bungee-jumping.

Zimbabwe is one of the smaller economies and is currently ranked 111. If this is calculated using purchasing power parity, Zimbabwe falls among the poorest countries in the world. Inflation in Zimbabwe in 2022 was around 104.71%. Within the EU, the average in the same year was 8.83 percent.

  • 264 – Namibia

Namibia, a country in southwest Africa, is distinguished by the Namib Desert along its Atlantic Ocean coast. The country is home to diverse wildlife, including a significant cheetah population. The capital, Windhoek, and coastal town Swakopmund contain German colonial-era buildings such as Windhoek’s Christuskirche, built in 1907.

Namibia is a higher-middle-income country with an annual GDP per capita of N$79,431 in 2022, but has extreme inequalities in income distribution and standard of living. Mining remains the mainstay of Namibia’s economy, being the largest contributor to the GDP.

The country is the fourth largest exporter of non-fuel minerals in Africa and the world’s fifth largest producer of uranium. Rich alluvial diamond deposits make Namibia a primary source for gem-quality diamonds.

Other Countries with the Code 26 are outlined below:

  • 265 – Malawi
  • 266 – Lesotho
  • 267 – Botswana
  • 268 – Eswatini
  • 269 – Comoros

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